Advantages and disadvantages of drop servicing
Benefits and advantages of drop servicing
Here are some extra advantages and benefits of running a drop servicing business:
Making money from service arbitrage does not require a large team because it requires little in-house work. Since you intervene mostly at the beginning and the end of order fulfillment, you considerably lower the tasks.
Drop servicing is a scalable business model: You do not exchange time for money. Instead, you focus on implementing processes that can increase sales and revenue. Your growth is not restrained by the workforce, infrastructure, and traffic (if you are in the right niche). And you can partner with third-party providers to keep up with increasing demand. You can focus on scaling and let your partner handles the fulfillment.
Drop servicing can be partially automated to make you money on autopilot, for example, by using automated sales funnels, outsourcing, and AI-powered customer service. An effective strategy should require spending less time managing orders and free more time for product improvement and marketing.
You can do service arbitrage on a tight budget because you:
- do not need to buy products before receiving orders
- have no inventory cost
- no extra fees for shipping
- do not need a warehouse or to rent a commercial building (and web hosting is affordable)
- can lower costs related to employees management
As we have seen, the money you need to start drop servicing is low. Setting up a legit service arbitrage business with all the legal requirements for less than $1,000 is possible. In comparison, it costs on average $275,000 to launch a restaurant, according to the Sage website.
You can start drop servicing with little experience to no experience: you do not need to be an expert. You need a minimum of knowledge, the ability to distinguish a good service from a bad one, and the resources to provide services that match customers’ expectations. For example, you can take a Google IT certificate and learn the skills necessary to offer IT support services.
Disadvantages of drop servicing
Quality of the services: Quality control is the most apparent negative attribute of drop servicing. You don’t have complete control over the digital service quality because you aren’t doing it yourself. It would help if you spent time vetting the contractors and companies that work for you.
Endorsement and liabilities: You are the service provider for your customers, even if you are outsourcing. You must make sure the clients have what they pay for. In any case, you are liable for improper service delivery. Being upfront about operating your business is a good practice that can increase trust. For example, you can include your partners on your About page and mention that you work with skilled contractors to provide the services.
What is Drop Servicing?
Drop servicing (also called service arbitrage) is fairly straightforward, you sell online services (e.g. web design) that you don’t provide yourself but outsource to an external source.
Let’s illustrate with an example.
John is in the market for a logo for his photography business and lands on your webpage advertising exactly what he needs: affordable logo design.
He likes what you have to offer and decides to go through with it. You then contact John to take notes on everything he wants to happen and then you hire a designer to finish the project for you with John’s notes.
The designer and john never contact each other directly, all communication goes through you.
Say John pays you $200 for the logo design, then you find a logo designer that works for $50 and pocket the difference.
How Does Drop Servicing Work?
Now my section on ‘what is drop servicing’ sounds pretty easy, right? So what’s the catch?
There actually is no catch.
Drop Servicing really is that easy, the only difficult part is the marketing of your website, but we’ll get back to that later.
Here’s how drop servicing can work for you average internet entrepreneur.
Just like with dropshipping, most drop servicing entrepreneurs use Shopify to set up their website.
Shopify requires absolutely no technical know-how and can help you set up entire webshops in minutes and is thus the favored choice by many.
Next, you need to find freelancers to work for you, where in gods name would you find that? Easy, on Fiverr.
If you don’t know what Fiverr is, Fiverr is a marketplace where freelancers provide their services for relatively cheap prices.
Think of it as the AliExpress for drop servicing, minus the long delivery times.
You can filter these freelancers by their skills, pricing and more, making them the ideal ‘supplier’ for your drop servicing business.
So that’s the little setup: a Shopify website where you sell your services and freelancers that you can hire to do the job for you.
How Much Does it Cost To Start a Drop Servicing Business?
At a bare minimum, starting a drop servicing business will cost you $29 a month.
That’s the price for Shopify’s monthly plan and the only recurring payment you’ll have up front.
The Fiverr platform is free to access for everyone and you can pay the freelancers with the money you already received from your clients up front.
You can use paid advertising methods to achieve way faster results and more clients but this isn’t necessary if you don’t have the budget.
If you’re unsure about working with freelancers for the first time, you can allocate a budget towards testing their services beforehand.
Obviously, if you plan on selling services such as web design and logo design (there are so many more niches, don’t limit yourself to the basics!), you want to make sure your website looks the part so you might have to hire someone to do this for you.
P.s. If you know how to create a WordPress website and add WooCommerce, you can start drop servicing for less than $5 a month (depending on your hosting cost) but this requires a lot more technical know-how which is why it isn’t covered in this article. Setting up a Shopify store is pain-free and absolutely worth the extra markup in my opinion.
Is Drop Servicing Legal?
Sometimes, people will question business models such as ‘dropshipping’ or ‘drop servicing’ because it just seems to easy.
These business models are completely legal though.
There are no laws against reselling services, just like there are no laws against reselling products.
Is subcontracting illegal? Nope.
You are essentially doing what agencies and businesses have been doing for years: finding clients and outsourcing it to others.
Handy Tips to Know When Getting Into Drop Servicing
1. Package services before submission
It’s easy for anyone to buy gigs on popular freelance marketplaces. But if you really want to make money, then you need to figure out the best ways to satisfy your customer.
One idea is to package services so you can sell them for a premium. For example, imagine your customer wants a voiceover service. Your freelancer could do a decent job.
But no law says you can’t tweak the task. You can change the audio settings, fine-tuning the work, or throw in a free service.
You’ll have a better chance of getting long-term clients with packaged service.
2. Stick to one niche
The mistake most newbies make is to try out every niche.
This is a recipe for disaster.
There are several services in each niche that you can provide. So, make sure you don’t go jumping around until you figure out one that sticks. You could lose your credibility.
3. Keep customers from knowing every detail about your outsourced tasks
Hold details like who the freelancer is, whether you packaged the service or not, and the profit you make close to your chest.
Two things could happen if you do otherwise:
- Both parties transact between themselves and leave you out of the process.
- Your customer opts out of your service and gives a negative review.
Either way, you lose when you show your hand.
4. Choose a great platform
The key thing to keep in mind here is that the right platform should be customizable. A few other points to look out for are:
- The platform should be flexible: Consider platforms that require you to periodically. It’ll be easy to cancel anytime you want.
- The platform should be affordable: Ideally, your first few sales should be able to cover the overall cost of the platform.
- The platform should have apps that you can integrate: The only thing you won’t need is a shipping app.
- The platform should have an integrated payment system: This makes it easy for your customers to pay you. Fiverr, Shopify and WordPress are platforms that take care of most of these needs.
Как начать заниматься дропшиппингом?
Перед тем как приступать непосредственно к организацию торговли, стоит подготовиться. А по ходу развития бизнеса необходимо избегать ошибок, на которые часто натыкаются горе-предприниматели, а потом теряют всякий интерес к своему делу.
Изучаем рынок
Для начала нужно изучить рынок. Понять, что интересует покупателей, кто ваши конкуренты, что можно предпринять еще на ранних этапах, чтобы сделать бизнес более успешным в долгосрочной перспективе.
Начинайте пробовать те товары, что пользуются спросом и дают беспроигрышных клиентов на старте. А потом уже экспериментируйте и выбирайте более узкие ниши, если интересно.
Смотрите, как работают конкуренты. У других дропшипперов плохой сайт? Сделайте свой круче. Кто-то игнорирует популярную категорию товаров? Возьмитесь за ее реализацию. Становитесь лучше за счет соперников.
Выбираем поставщиков
Сотрудничайте только с теми, кто занимается своим делом легально. И всегда задавайте партнерам следующие вопросы:
Как они поступают, если товар повредят при доставке и его нужно будет вернуть/компенсировать.
Как много времени в среднем занимает оформление одного заказа и его завершение.
Как работает их техническая поддержка. Сможете ли вы вовремя получить ответы на возникающие вопросы.
Есть ли у них внятная страховка товаров на случай форс-мажора.
Защищают ли они клиентов и товары от разного рода мошеннических схем.
Если ответы устраивают, то можно заключать партнерство. В других случаях стоит поискать альтернативу.
Обретаем преимущества над конкурентами
Ваша задача – выделиться на фоне других продавцов. Чем вы можете стать лучше? Вопрос сложный, потому что на цене не сыграешь. Она у всех будет до предела низкой. Что остается?
Красивый сайт. Удобная платформа для покупки и продажи. Такая, которой приятно пользоваться. Это может привлечь аудиторию, потому что многие начинающие дропшипперы на коленке собирают одну-две страницу и заставляют покупателей страдать ради низкой стоимости. Сделайте нормальный онлайн-магазин и получите свою порцию клиентов-эстетов.
Расширяйте географию. Предлагайте свои услуги большему количеству заказчиков по всей планете.
Обеспечьте клиентов стабильной стоимостью доставки. Можно даже за свой счет. Понятная формула расчета ценника за услуги ТК и курьера могут стать подспорьем в завоевании сердца потенциального покупателя.
Общайтесь лояльно. Грамотная техподдержка с хорошо поставленной речью и галантным обращением может стать чуть ли не ключевым фактором при выборе магазина для огромного куска аудитории.
Ну и это не все, конечно. Интересуйтесь мнением клиентов – узнайте, что их привлекает в тех или иных дропшипперах. Сделайте так, чтобы при одинаковой стоимости товаров и доставки люди все равно выбирали вас.
Автоматизируем процесс
Не стесняйтесь пользоваться сервисами и программами для упрощения торговли. Задействуйте системы в духе Shopify, ведь они позволяют автоматизировать кучу рутины. Например, при оформлении заказа они автоматически отправляют запрос партнеру, чтобы тот подготовил товар и начал отгрузку и оформление доставки. Вам даже заказ у клиента принимать необязательно.
Drop Servicing FAQs
Is Drop Servicing Easy?
Drop Servicing is easy to set up using services like Shopify and Fiverr. This doesn’t mean that starting an online business is easy though.
Starting an online business requires hard work and time investment, without it, you will not succeed.
That being said, with the right mindset and work ethic, I believe anyone can make a comfortable living through drop servicing.
Is Drop Servicing Profitable?
With drop servicing, you are fully in charge of your pricing model.
Yes drop servicing is profitable.
It’s very common to make a 2x 3x and even 4x markup within the drop servicing business model.
Is Drop Servicing unethical or immoral?
Many businesses outsource work to subcontractors.
I would say drop servicing is only unethical or immoral if you’re completely lying about your workflow.
If you’re pretending to be the person providing the services, that is unethical.
But if you’re upfront about being a business that works with qualified freelancers, there is nothing immoral or unethical about your business model.
What do I Need to Start Drop Servicing?
All you really need to start drop servicing is some money (around $100 minimum), time, a computer and an internet connection.
You can start drop servicing from anywhere in the world.
Is Drop Servicing For You?
If you’re looking for an easy to start online business model, drop servicing is likely a good option for you.
Expect to put in the work to see results, this is no get-rich-quick-scheme.
How do I get started with drop servicing?
Drop servicing, as aforementioned, is a business with extremely low entry requirements. Of course, it would be ideal if you could allocate a specific budget to your new endeavour. Moreover, even with no initial capital, it is entirely possible to start a drop-servicing company and profit right away.
Select the service you want to drop service
Create a website where you can list your services.
Promote the website if possible.
Find someone who can operate the services at a lower cost.
make a profit while providing the service to the client.
Furthermore, you must spend some time on your website. As previously noted, the competitive rivalry in drop servicing can be tough. Your website must stand out and entice potential customers.
You will need the following items to create a perfect drop servicing website:
A well-designed homepage that displays the services you provide
Your value proposition should make it clear why clients should choose you over your competitors.
Your trusted payment methods
A tool for customer service (e.g., a chatbot)
Basic SEO optimization
You don’t even need to be an expert. Rather, having some basic knowledge will allow you to critically assess the freelancers’ skills and portfolios, as well as the finished orders. Brightery is always here to help you!
12. Расскажи о том, как устроена команда, насколько трудно было получить разрешения, чтобы иметь возможность заниматься перехватом дропов, как набирали сотрудников и т.д.?
Да, это была большая работа по масштабированию. Сейчас нас около 100 человек.
- Есть команда из 20 человек, которые оценивают домены. Большинство из них занимаются оценкой дропов для SEO, но некоторые оценивают их по именам и трафику.
- А я принимаю много конечных решений, например, какие ставки делать на аукционе и т.д. Но мелкие решения, например, стоит ли покупать неконкурентные дропы за $5, принимаются без меня, непосредственно командой.
- У нас есть команда из семи человек, которые управляют всеми доменами, учетными записями, аккредитациями, документами и тестами. Когда мы получаем аккредитацию для торговли где-либо, нужно сделать обновление, чтобы показать, что мы технически грамотны, что мы можем работать в определённой доменной зоне. Это очень раздражающая процедура, которая есть почти везде.
Прежде чем ты сможешь получить свой первый домен в большинстве доменных зон, тебе придется сильно потрудиться. Но когда ты проделал это 20-30 раз, становится немного проще. Некоторые зоны используют одно и то же ПО, и по нему у тебя уже могут быть технические наработки. Но да, начало очень медленное. Но как только у тебя все получится, ты сможешь получать с этого деньги.
How to Start a Drop Servicing Business
Here are the five easy steps to start a drop servicing business:
1. Pick a niche
Before you start looking for customers, first decide the service you want to drop. Here, consider:
- Niches that you understand and are interested in: It’ll be easier to build a brand and gain customer trust.
- What most customers need: The more customers you have, the higher your potential profit.
- Competitiveness of the niche: Less competitive niches are easier to scale. However, a more competitive area can spur you to bring your A-game.
- Ultimately, your customers come first, even in determining what niche you should get into.
2. Find freelancers
Once you’ve figured out your niche, the next step is to build a team of drop service providers.
Finding freelancers is no tough work. There are marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork, SEOClerks, and many other sites that offer freelancing services. However, you must understand how each freelance marketplace works before you jump at it.
For example, some freelance marketplaces don’t have payment systems or a Resolution Policy in place. This implies that users can defraud you.
Fiverr is arguably the best platform to find lots of talented freelance professionals that charge quite low, also the platform has good payment systems and their customer support policy is commendable.
And with Fiverr Business, you can set up a team of talented professionals working to help grow your business. This means you can manage every aspect of your drop servicing business from within your Fiverr Business account.
As a rule of thumb, don’t fall for what freelancers say they can do for you. Instead, go over profiles, industry years, service ratings, and charging fees before you make your decision.
Next, you can run a trial test to weed out the bad eggs by checking for a freelancer’s:
- Response time
- Attention to detail
- Talent and technical skill
- Ability to follow instructions
Having more than one service provider comes in handy in ensuring you always deliver top-notch jobs. Contracting several freelancers could also prove useful with emergencies.
3. Get a platform for your business
Setting up a drop service store is one way to create a platform for your agency. However, an easier alternative is to run your drop servicing business on freelance sites like Fiverr.
Drop servicing on Fiverr or Upwork allows you to make money even if you don’t own a website or an online store. It is the most cost-effective way to start a drop servicing business without building a website.
But the gold standard is to build a website from the bottom up as this gives you more freedom and absolute control over your business. This could be a Shopify drop service store or a WordPress drop service website.
As with every other business, creating a drop service website is an easy way to let the world know what you have to offer. According to recent studies, a whopping 56% of customers say that they don’t trust businesses without a website.
Having a website is also a great way to answer any question potential customers may have about your business. On the website where you’ll drop services, you should include:
- Samples of what your business sells or deals with: This should be short and concise.
- How the entire process works: Here, you don’t need to go into fine details. An overview of each step from when a customer places an order to when the task is complete will do.
- Social proof: Different studies show that 70% of Americans look at reviews before buying something. More interestingly, over 63% of all consumers are more likely to buy something from a site that has ratings and reviews.
- Unique value proposition (UVP): This tells customers what makes your business stand out from the rest. It should include who your target audience is, your delivery timeframe, and other terms of business.
- Strong call-to-action: This section should explain what you want potential customers to do after reading about your agency.
4. Find high-paying customers
The next step, which requires the most work, is to get customers. There are many things you can try out. While some are paid like Google ads and social media marketing, others are free.
You can also use traditional business tips to drive traffic to your site. These include:
- Providing discounts for first-timers
- Offering free items and services
- Working with affiliate marketers to spread the word
- Using referrals to your advantage
How much does it cost to start a drop servicing business?
The cost of starting a drop servicing business will vary depending on how you approach it. However, it’s usually very affordable to start due to the nature of the business. Typical costs include:
- The price of your website. You’ll have a monthly fee to pay each month for your website, hosting provider, domain name, and any other digital running costs.
- Freelancer costs. The price your freelancers charge for completing a task.
- Marketing fees. The price of advertising your services through email, content production, SEO, PPC, and social media ad campaigns.
- Other business running costs. For example, the price of using your spare room at home as an office or the cost of printing or stationary equipment.
Why Is Drop Servicing An Important Part Of The Gig Economy?
Towards the end, we would like to stress the point that drop servicing is itself an equitable skill that is required to run the gig economy.
The reason is simple: Just like you are willing to look after the back-office operations and marketing, there are other individuals out there that want to focus on their respective skill set.
They may not want to go through the hassle of navigating through the business logistics, and therefore, finding them should be your aim.
It can be thought of as a form of interdependence with a clear understanding of deliverables on both ends. As the gig economy grows, new platforms and service providers will continue to emerge. So we are quite far from witnessing any saturation, but at the same time, drop servicing will continue to get a competitive business to be in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Drop Servicing Profitable?
Drop servicing is definitely a profitable business. It depends on how well you research and choose the right niche. It would have a good margin when you sell the services with quality and timely delivery.
Is Drop Servicing Legal?
Absolutely yes! Any business model that is registered as per your government policy, is legal. It is like the other business that earns a commission as profit. Ensure you pay the taxes at the right time without fail.
What Skill Is Needed For Drop Servicing?
Drop servicing does not require any specific skills. It is not a big deal even if you lack any knowledge and skills in the niche you choose. Yet it requires some basic skills to operate your business. They are marketing, sales, advertising managing, and organizing skills.
Is Drop Servicing Better Than Dropshipping?
Both of the business has its own advantages. Since there is no need for any inventory for drop servicing business, it is better to manage when compared with dropshipping. Whatever the business model is, you will get benefits according to the input and hard work you will give.
What’s the best way to build a drop servicing website?
Designing sites like the ones I’m about to show you can be intimidating if it’s your first time.
If you’re not very technically oriented, I recommend using an all-in-one online business platform that basically makes the process dummy-proof.
This is the easiest option, but it’s not the cheapest.
If your budget is tight and you’re technically-oriented (or at least willing to learn), you can also create a full-fledged drop servicing site using WordPress or Shopify.
This is the hosting I’d use if you choose the WordPress route (what I’ve been using for my website for years).
That said, before you go down any website-building rabbit holes, make sure you have an actual viable business. There’s no sense in dropping time and money on a website when you don’t even know if there will be demand for your services.
There are now a handful of drop servicing courses on the market that can help with this—Drop Servicing Blueprint is by far the most comprehensive (see my full Drop Servicing Blueprint review if you’re curious). But if you’re just dipping your toes in the water, here are the best drop servicing courses for people on a budget. The Blueprint is really only worth it if you are 100% sure this is what you want to do.
All this said — if you’re doing this without the guidance of a proven course, I strongly recommend finding your first few clients via your network and word-of-mouth before worrying about building a website.
Alrighty, with that caveat out of the way, let’s get into that inspiration!
Как заработать на работе дропом
Работа дропом – это один из способов заработать деньги в интернете. Она заключается в том, что вы получаете на свой адрес почты товары, которые затем должны отправить покупателю. При этом вы получаете определенный процент от стоимости товара.
Для начала работы вам нужно зарегистрироваться на платформах, которые предоставляют услуги по дропшиппингу. Наиболее популярными являются AliExpress, Amazon, eBay. Также можно найти малоизвестные онлайн-магазины, которые ищут дропшипперов.
Для успешной работы вам нужно получить хорошую репутацию и не нарушать правила работы с товаром. Для этого необходимо учитывать все требования продавцов и покупательский контингент. Также можно улучшить свою репутацию, предложив качественный сервис покупателю.
Важно понимать, что работа дропом требует времени и усилий. Но если вы станете успешным дропшиппером, то сможете получать хороший доход каждый месяц
Однако перед тем, как приступить к работе, изучите все детали и возможные риски, чтобы не попасть в неприятную ситуацию.
- Зарегистрируйтесь на платформах дропшиппинга.
- Изучайте требования продавцов и покупательский контингент.
- Стройте свою репутацию.
- Изучите риски и детали работы до начала дропшиппинга.
В целом, заработок на работе дропом может стать отличным способом для заработка денег в интернете. Это может быть вашей основной работой или хобби. Все зависит от вашего желания и усердия в работе.
13. Ты сказал, получение лицензий очень раздражает. Расскажи больше об этом? Что сложного в этом?
Сначала тебя оценивают на предмет того, является ли твоя компания надежной. Во многих случаях ты не можешь заниматься перехватом дропов, если не имеешь аккредитации ICANN*, что является очень медленной бюрократической процедурой. На её прохождение уходит около года. Там тонна бумажной работы, и еще есть платеж в $4 000 для старта, а затем еще $4 000 каждый год для сохранения аккредитации.
Кроме того, везде нужны депозиты. У нас только на депозитах находятся шестизначные суммы, для поддержки всех счетов, и чтобы мы могли оплачивать пойманные дропы.
И в целом — этот бизнес требует больших ресурсов, денег, времени и людей. И нужно время, чтобы выйти на точку безубыточности. И выход на неё во многом зависит от того, сможешь ли ты правильно оценить домен, а затем использовать или продать его. Потому что, если не сможешь – прибыли не получишь.
How To Start a Drop Servicing Business
Any project manager running a business is already doing an element of “drop servicing” within their business.
It’s called outsourcing, which is important in order to scale and grow an existing business.
Any employer who has employees is performing service arbitrage in order to run the operations of the business.
As a boss, you outsource tasks and activities to other employees of the firm while managing the profits for the client.
By providing a drop servicing business to clients in a B2B setting (business-to-business), you’re able to save them time by managing the HR aspect that so many people absolutely dread.
Alternatively, you could start a drop servicing business aimed more at B2C (business-to-consumer) where you re-sell custom art drawings.
The more value you add on the backend by creating a painless solution, the better odds you have of your drop servicing business succeeding.
Q1. Is drop servicing profitable?
Yes. Service arbitrage is profitable if you do the right things like getting top freelancers and high-paying customers.
Q2. Do you need to take a drop servicing course?
Courses explain the step-by-step process of drop servicing. Therefore, they can provide you with a practical guide for starting an agency.
Consider taking drop servicing courses if you want to complement this article and make the most out of this business model.
Q3. Do you need to let customers know you’re outsourcing the task?
No law states that you should let your customers know you’re outsourcing their tasks. So, the decision to reveal it or not is up to you, and there’s nothing wrong with not sharing that information.
However, customers always take transparent businesses over those that seem shady. So, if you’re asked, you shouldn’t lie about it.
Q4. Is the market for drop servicing saturated?
No, the market isn’t saturated. However, this business model has gained quite some popularity in recent years.
Service arbitrage will only get saturated when online stores become saturated as well.
Q5. How much does it cost to start an agency?
The cost of a drop servicing business depends on the steps you take. For example, dropping services on Fiverr is free. On the other hand, making a one- to two-page top drop servicing website should cost a few bucks.
Either way, you can make money by following the right steps.
Q6. Is drop servicing legal?
Yes. Service arbitrage is legal, like other middlemen business models. However, just make sure you document every transaction and delivery status.
What Drop service is?
Drop service works this way, first, you need to find people that are looking for digital services (like the examples stated above) and provide those services. When a client decides to take a service and accepts a transaction, our job is to find a freelancer to provide the service. The freelancers name their price, and our job is to charge the client for more than the freelancer’s asking price, that way we enjoy the realtering commission.
Finding the right freelancer on the web is the simplest thing since there are a lot of websites where you can contact different freelancers that fit your certain need.
The difference between Dropshipping and Drop service
Dropshipping focuses on selling physical products, whereas on the other hand Drop service focuses on selling online services. A lot of people are looking for freelancers to work on their websites, this is your opportunity to offer yourself as the freelancer that can help when you find an experienced freelancer to do the job.
As you can see, you don’t have to be a professional to offer a certain service. All you need to do is contact the client and offer your service at the right price.
Examples of services you can offer
| Building websites.
| Website promotion.
| Website design.
| Content writing.
| Video editing.
it doesn’t end here and there are a lot more services to offer to your client.
Is Drop service profitable?
Before getting into any business, it is important to check if it’s actually worth the trouble and is it profitable? Drop service is profitable since you are looking at a storage and shipping-free business. Your main role is to contact both sides and make sure the freelancer does his/her job in a way that satisfies your client’s needs and requests.