Топ-200 youtube каналов мира

27 best youtube niches in 2023 with high cpm (+channel examples)

YouTube IAP Revenue by Country 2023


YouTube IAP Revenue (in Million US Dollars)

United States




South Korea










United Kingdom




Hong Kong


Interestingly, the United States leads with a huge $35.30 million in sales, highlighting the nation’s leading position in the digital entertainment industry. This statistic demonstrates the magnitude of the American user base and the thriving digital economy of the country. At $20.31 million, Japan takes second place, demonstrating the platform’s popularity there and the substantial purchasing power of Japanese consumers.

Lower down the list, South Korea exhibits its high level of platform engagement with $8.65 million in YouTube in-app-purchase revenue. The numbers also show strong revenue streams in nations such as Ukraine, Brazil, Taiwan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Hong Kong, demonstrating YouTube’s appeal on a worldwide scale and its ability to make money in a variety of regions. These numbers highlight how crucial the platform is for advertisers and content producers looking to reach a variety of audiences and profit from the expanding digital economy.

Health & Fitness

Health and Fitness belong to one of the most popular YouTube niches.

There are many different ways to approach creating a health-themed YouTube channel, from talking about your own personal fitness journey to providing tips and advice on healthy eating or even just sharing inspirational stories about people who have overcome serious health challenges.

And I will say the more specific you can get in the selection of your channel, the better.

For example, if you have a channel about building muscle rather than random general topics, that’s better because the more niche-specific you are, the easier it is for Google to place ads on your videos and the more money you’re likely to make.

Here’s an example of a channel in this niche, Body Hub.

The reason health and wellness is a great YouTube niche is that advertisers know people want to improve their health.

By placing ads in these types of videos, they get a great return on their investment.

Let’s say you are in a network marketing company that sells products for health and wellness. This would be the perfect type of channel to start.

And besides getting paid really good money from Google AdSense, you can also put an affiliate link to your products in the description of your videos.

And if you take a look at their videos, you can see these videos are not difficult to make, but they get a lot of views.

You can easily create these types of videos with tools like Pictoy.ai or other AI video generators out there.

This would also be very easy to monetize by placing affiliate links from ClickBank, Digistore24, or Amazon in the description of their videos, and that can make a lot more money than just with ads.

But with over 1.5 million views a month on their channel, depending on their CPM, they would be making $5,000 to $10,000 or more a month.

YouTube Users by Country (As of October 2023)

With local versions available in over 100 countries and 80 different language options to choose from, YouTube is the number one video-sharing platform in the world with more than 95% of the internet population using it.

Now, while looking at the number of YouTube users by country, it is evident that India tops the list. According to the latest statista report in October 2023, India has the largest YouTube user population, with 462 million active users.

With 239 million users, the USA has the next largest user base for the platform. The other three countries that found a place in the top 10 list are Brazil (third), Indonesia (fourth), and Mexico (fifth) with 144, 139 and 83.1 million users respectively. Japan comes in sixth place with 78.6 million users. Pakistan has the seventh rank with 71.7 million users, followed by Germany (eighth) with 67.8 million users. Vietnam holds ninth place and Philippines tenth place with 63.0 million and 58.1 million users respectively.

While looking at the top-performing countries, you can easily identify global diversity. All these countries saw a massive increase in users since 2013. Considering the gender of YouTube users, 54.4% of users in 2023 are males while females constitute only 45.6%.


YouTube Users


462 Million


239 Million


144 Million


139 Million


83.1 Million


78.6 Million


71.7 Million


67.8 Million


63.0 Million


58.1 Million

YouTube Penetration Statistics

The Netherlands is the country with the most YouTube penetration as of 2023.

YouTube’s penetration rate in the Netherlands is 94.9%.

Although India and the United States are the top two countries with the most YouTube users, they don’t even make it to the top 20 in Penetration rate.

India’s Penetration rate of YouTube is 37%, while the U.S.A. has a 79.3% penetration rate.

YouTube’s Worldwide penetration rate is 37.6%.

Here is the overview of YouTube’s Penetration Rate as of 2023

Country YouTube Penetration Rate
Netherlands 94.9%
South Korea 94%
New Zealand 93.8%
Sweden 93.7%
U.A.E. 93.2%
United Kingdom 92.1%
Denmark 91.9%
Switzerland 91.8%
Canada 91.7%
Spain 91.6%
Germany 91.5%
Hong Kong 91.3%
Israel 91%
Saudi Arabia 90.5%
Australia 89.1%
Belgium 88.6%
France 88.2%
Ireland 88%
Singapore 87.8%
Taiwan 87.3%

Book Reviews

Many people love reading and they love getting recommendations for books from others. This means that there is always going to be interest in book reviews. Additionally, there are a lot of ways to monetize book review videos. You can include ads, affiliate links to Audible, and even sell your own products related to books.

A great example of a book review channel that I actually follow is Productivity Game which has over 480,000 subscribers and gains around 7,000 subscribers a month.

This guy is doing book reviews on popular books about productivity and entrepreneurship.

He is using software like Renderforest to do whiteboard videos. This type of software is drag and drop so it doesn’t require a lot of technical skills.

And these types of videos keep people’s attention which is one of the most important metrics on whether a video does well or not.

Rhett & Link

YouTube Channel Good Mythical Morning
Subscribers 18.4 million
Estimated Net worth $35 million

Rhett & Link — Top Richest YouTuber

Rhett James McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Link Neal III are two school friends who launched their daily talk show «Good Morning Chia Lincoln» in 2011 in North Carolina. Their talk show usually involved personal stories or opinions on various topics with Abraham Lincoln and Chia Pet as the show’s centerpiece. The pair debuted ‘Good Mythical Morning’ in 2012, following their relocation to Los Angeles and the termination of their television program, Commercial Kings. The series followed the same pattern as their last program and included a «Wheel of Mythicality» with recommendations from viewers for how they would wrap up the program, frequently with a quick improvised scenario.

YouTube Shorts Statistics 2023

YouTube Shorts was introduced in 2020 as Google’s answer to TikTok and Instagram Reels. Now available in 100 countries, these 60-second videos have managed to capture users’ attention, receiving 15 billion views every day. To encourage more “Shorts”, the company has started providing monetary incentives to Shorts creators and has also introduced Shorts on TV.

Here are some interesting statistics related to YouTube Shorts in 2023:

In 2023, YouTube Shorts reached 70 billion daily views, compared to 30 billion daily views in 2022.

The 5-Minute Crafts Family video “FUNNY DIY FOOT SOAP” has the largest number of views. In 2023, it received 10 million likes and 33,000 comments.

YouTube Shorts has more than 1.5 billion monthly active users.

YouTube Shorts videos grew by 135% between 2021 and 2022.

72% of YouTube Shorts have a time span of more than 15 seconds.

Conclusion: YouTube Statistics (2023)

All the figures point towards one thing: YouTube’s popularity has been soaring through the years, and its usage is increasing. Creators are earning millions, and Businesses are spending more on advertising on the platform.

I hope I was able to give you an in-depth view of YouTube to plan out your next YouTube growth strategy. If I have missed anything, let me know in the comments below. As I keep updating all my articles regularly, I will go through the comment section and add your statistics on demand in my next update!

While you are here, you can take a look at our article for understanding Influencer Pay.

Путешествия и природа:

В этом разделе представлены блоггеры, чьи каналы посвящены путешествиям и красотам природы России и мира. Они делятся своими приключениями, рассказывают о самых красивых местах на планете, дарят зрителям вдохновение и мотивацию к открытиям.

Имя блоггера

Количество подписчиков

Описание канала

Артемий Лебедев

2 500 000+

Артемий путешествует по России и странам СНГ, открывает для зрителей малоизвестные места и делится туристическими секретами. Его канал – настоящий путеводитель по прекрасным природным уголкам.

Елена Перминова

1 800 000+

Елена любит путешествовать по всему миру и делиться своими открытиями. Она рассказывает о путешествиях как одиночных независимых путешественников, так и семей с детьми. Канал Елены – источник вдохновения для всех, кто мечтает об исследовании разных уголков Земли.

Дмитрий Шепелев

1 600 000+

Дмитрий путешествует по России и зарубежным странам, стараясь увидеть и показать зрителям как можно больше красоты природы и архитектурных достопримечательностей. Он также рассказывает о видах активного отдыха и представляет интересные маршруты для путешественников.


YouTube Channel Unspeakable
Subscribers 16.5 million
Estimated Net Worth $28 million

Unspeakable — Top Richest YouTuber

The Unspeakable YouTube channel is a popular entertainment channel owned and operated by Unspeakable. It is a popular channel that features a variety of content, including challenges, pranks, experiments, and vlogs. The channel was created by Unspeakable in 2013 and has since amassed over 16.5 million subscribers. The content on the channel is often creative and unpredictable, and it has been known to go viral on social media. Some of the channel’s most popular videos include «Filling a City With Trampolines,» «24 Hour Overnight Lego House Challenge,» and «100 Hours Breaking into Bank Vault.». The Unspeakable YouTube channel is popular for viewers who enjoy watching creative and entertaining content.


The finance niche is one of the most profitable YouTube niches because advertisers pay a lot of money to place ads on your videos.

An example in the finance niche is Economics Explained which is another faceless YouTube channel.

They’re also monetizing with affiliate links in the description of their videos, which you can as well.

And if you don’t know any programs in the finance niche, you can simply go to Google and type in finance affiliate programs and find affiliate programs you can join and earn money from those programs, as well as Google AdSense.

And many finance companies offer high-paid affiliate programs for leads, new customers, and sales.

So if you have an interest in finance or a background in finance, this would be a great choice of channel ideas for you.

Recommended Reading:


Cars is a popular YouTube niche with a big earning potential. You can either talk about cars like this channel, Bladed Angels.

With these types of videos, you don’t have to show your face if you don’t want to.

You can just have video stock footage, a script, and a voiceover, or if you’re fixing cars, you don’t have to show your face.

You can just show your hands and what you’re doing with a car. So if you know something about cars, this would be a great channel idea.

And this is one of the top advertisers on YouTube in the carnage because they have highly targeted leads who are interested in cars.

So companies like Carvana will pay really well to advertise on your videos.

You can also monetize this niche with affiliate marketing as ChrisFix does.

He links to products and tools he uses on eBay and Amazon, and of course, he makes a commission when someone purchases through his link.

And his videos get a lot of views. In fact, he has over 1 billion views on his channel so he’s making really good money through the Google AdSense program.

So people really want to watch videos about how to fix their cars, right?

And he links to his website where he sells merchandise as well. So, in several different ways, he’s making money through his channel and really good money at that.

YouTube Shorts Statistics

YouTube launched YouTube Shorts, a competition to Tik Tok in September 2020.

YouTube shorts was first launched in India. It was later rolled out for the U.S.A and 26 other nations. Currently, YouTube shorts are available in more than 100 nations.

 YouTube Shorts surpassed 50 billion daily views in February 2023.

Here is a table showing the daily views in June 2021 and February 2023:

Time Views
June 2021 30 billion
February 2023 50 billion

During the launch in India, the maximum time period to record a short was 15 seconds. Later, when it was launched in the USA and other countries, the time was lengthened to 60 seconds.

72% of YouTube Shorts are more than 15 seconds long.

In the second quarter of 2021, YouTube announced a $100 million fund for YouTube Shorts which ran until 2022.

Llama Arts (Animation)

Llama Arts uploads animations of horror stories that Mr. Nightmare — another YouTuber — reads on his channel. They animate the stories from Mr. Nightmare’s channel to help viewers visualize them better.

While not much is known about the identity of the channel’s owner, their passion for drawing and animating is evident as they used to upload drawing and painting videos of famous cartoon characters at fast speeds.

However, they’ve since discontinued that series once they started animating horror stories as those kinds of videos have gained plenty more views than the drawing/painting videos ever did.


YouTube Channel PewDiePie
Subscribers 111 million
Estimated Net Worth $40 million

PewDiePie — Top Richest YouTuber

One of the richest and most popular YouTubers we have next on the list is Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie (real name: Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg). His YouTube channel continues to be one of the most popular, with over 111 million followers and 28.8 billion views. His well-known show ‘Let’s Play’ debuted in 2010 for posting horror videos and action video games. He has been credited with increasing video game sales through his internet notoriety, and he has also been able to mobilize support for charitable fundraising campaigns. He was included among the top 100 important persons in the world by Time magazine in 2016.

Marques Brownlee (Technology)

Marques Brownlee, or as he’s known professionally, MKBHD, is a tech-focused YouTuber that has over 15 million subscribers and more than 2.8 billion total video views. He’s one of the best, if not the best tech reviewer, on YouTube, and a former Senior VP of Google even lauded him as “the best technology reviewer on the planet right now.»

He covers everything in technology, including smartphones, smart cars, and the latest, most bleeding-edge products and prototypes. Here’s a sneak peek of some of the topics he covers:

  • Smartphone reviews
  • Demo videos of the most high-tech gadgets and prototypes 
  • Tech explainer videos
  • Car reviews
  • And many more.

Marques’ passion for technology is all for there to see. Moreover, he’s always honest every time he reviews a tech product, and you can see his extensive knowledge of the field while throwing clever jokes now and then.

However, the best part about his channel is that his videos are always high quality and shot perfectly, making it feel satisfying when watching them. He and his team have done an outstanding job creating comprehensive and well-edited tech videos and look to do even more in 2022.


The next very popular YouTube niche is makeup. And an example channel is Christen Dominique.

She has other topics besides makeup, but I would recommend if you want to get into this niche, to be very specific and just have it be about makeup.

For example, makeup for women over 50 years old or makeup for teenage girls.

And of course, there are many ways to monetize with affiliate products from Amazon, or if you’re part of a network marketing company that has makeup products, you could put a link to your products in the description of your video and make money from affiliate commissions besides Google AdSense.

У кого больше всего подписчиков в ютубе в 2021 году

Платформа YouTube позволяет пользователям со всего мира создавать различный контент и делиться им с аудиторией. Популярность же некоторых каналов достигла невероятного уровня и подарила их владельцам настоящее  богатство и мировую известность.

В мире

В тройку лидеров по количеству подписчиков входят каналы:

  • T-Series (191 млн.);
  • SET India (113 млн.);
  • PewDiePie (110 млн.).

С приходом платформы YouTube на просторы Индии влияние ее пользователей на статистику просмотров и подписок стало ощутимо.

На втором месте расположился тоже индийский канал, который патронирует японская компания Sony. На нем показывают различные развлекательные шоу, сериалы и мыльные оперы. Вещание происходит исключительно на хинди, поэтому русскоязычным и англоговорящим пользователям он не интересен.

А вот на третьем месте расположился всеми любимый PewDiePie. Шведский блогер обзавелся колоссальной фанбазой, и каждое его видео набирает кучу просмотров.

Мировым лидером по количеству подписчиков выступает T-Series

В России

Российская аудитория активно смотрит YouTube, но ее предпочтения немного отличаются от западных стандартов. Поэтому максимальное количество подписчиков и просмотров получают блогеры, которые делают контент не только для взрослых, но и для детей.

Среди таких можно выделить ютубера HiMan, которого в жизни знают под именем Андрей Ширгин

Блогер привлек внимание веселыми видео, в которых отсутствует нецензурная лексика и злободневные темы. Еще одной фишкой Ширгина является искренность, благодаря чему он смог покорить сердца самых требовательных зрителей – детей

По состоянию на август 2021 года на его канал было подписано 16,9 млн. человек.

В ежегодные списки самых популярных российских блогеров входит Максим Тарасенко, начинавший свой путь с летсплеев Minecraft

Затем парень переключился на разнообразный развлекательный контент, который привлек к его каналу повышенное внимание. Сейчас блогер систематически выпускает видео, среди которых даже есть любительский фильм, продолжительностью 55 минут

Необычное видение мира и способность рассмешить зрителя банальными вещами помогла парню набрать 15,8 млн. подписок.

Более 12 млн. подписок есть у Максима Монахова, который получил признание зрителей за безумные эксперименты.

Если говорить о блогерах со стран СНГ, то наибольшую популярность получили такие ребята:

Влад А4. Белорусский парень смог собрать на своем канале более 30 млн. подписчиков благодаря пародиям на различные песни, челленджам и безграничному чувству юмора.

EeOneGuy. Иван Рудский долгое время носил титул самого востребованного блогера на территории СНГ и получил признание от 17 млн. подписчиков. Молодой человек активно выпускал видео с играми, песнями и различными челленджами

Но, повзрослев, перестал уделять каналу должное внимание, поэтому его обогнали более активные и талантливые блогеры.

Конечно же, на просторах российского ютуба есть еще много достойных медиа, которые не только развлекают аудиторию веселыми видео, но также снимают настоящие документальные фильмы. Они пока не достигли звания самых успешных, но активно пробивают себе путь к вершине.


YouTube Channel Markiplier
Subscribers 34.7 million
Estimated Net Worth $35 million

Markiplier — Top Richest YouTuber

Markiplier’s real name is Mark Edward Fischbach. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but later moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. The first YouTube channel that Mark created was on March 6, 2012. His first plans were to post comedy skits and action movies. Mark and Multiplier were combined to form the moniker «Markiplier,» which he chose for the channel because he would be playing every role in the sketches. Together with fellow YouTuber Ethan Nestor (better known online as CrankGameplays), Fischbach started the Unus Annus channel in 2019. It was created with the intention of uploading one video every day for one year after which all of the content would be erased. The channel became successful right away, collecting 1 million members in its first five days and 4.56 million in its last few minutes. In addition, it had over 11.5 million video views in its first week.


Cryptocurrency is definitely a trending topic to create a YouTube channel around, and I think it will be a high CPM for a long time. It’s definitely something a lot of people are interested in and advertisers will pay a lot to place ads on these videos.

An example channel is Crypto Gains.

And you can see, besides making money through the Google AdSense program, they’re monetizing in several ways.

One of which is merchandise, using print on demand through Red bubble, which is free to set up.

There are definitely a lot of possibilities with this niche to monetize.

For example, if you’re part of an affiliate program in cryptocurrency, you can place your link in the description of your videos and make money that way as well.

Cryptocurrency is of the most trending topics on YouTube in 2022 so if you’re interested in this niche, this is a great channel to take a look at.

YouTube Views by Country

When it comes to views, the story is quite different. The US leads the chart of the top 10 countries with the highest YouTube views, with 916 billion views per month. This equates to an average of 2,726 views per person. India takes the second position with a share of 503 billion views per month. However, when considering the size of its population, the per capita views are merely 354. The UK secures the third spot with 391 billion views, which translates to an impressive 5,750 views per person. The remaining countries on the list, in order of their views, are Brazil, Thailand, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Japan, and Canada.


Views (in Billion)

Population (in Billion)

Approximate Views/Population

























South Korea
















Logan Paul

YouTube Channel Logan Paul
Subscribers 23.6 million
Estimated Net Worth $45 million

Logan Paul — Top Richest YouTuber

Logan Paul’s YouTube channel has captured people worldwide with its unique blend of wit, originality, and exciting challenges. Logan Paul, an American YouTuber, actor, and social media figure, founded the channel in 2013. It now has over 23.6 million followers and over 6,200 videos. With its unique blend of fun and good messaging, Paul’s content, which includes vlogs, challenges, stunts, and music videos, has constantly engaged audiences. His most popular films, which include «The Ultimate Hide and Seek Challenge,» «Fake Police Prank On My Girlfriend,» and «Can We Survive In An Escape Room For 50 Hours,» demonstrate his ability to push boundaries and captivate viewers’ interest. Logan Paul’s YouTube channel has received recognition for its ability to connect with viewers of all ages while spreading the message of achieving one’s aspirations.

Максим Голополосов +100500


Макс +100500, повар по первому образованию, входит в ТОП-5 наиболее популярных блогеров русскоязычного «Ютуба», а общее число просмотров его юмористических роликов превышает 1,8 млрд. Максим Голополосов родился в столице в 1989 году, окончил 9 классов, поступил в техникум. Отработав год по окончании обучения, он поступил в вуз, а с 2010 года начал снимать ролики для YouYube.

Идею шоу «+100500» Голополосов неприкрыто позаимствовал у всемирно известного блогера из Нью-Йорка Рэя Уильяма Джонсона. Формат саркастических обзоров смешных видеороликов был довольно нов для России, что позволило команде канала AdamThomasMoran быстро набрать популярность. Сейчас на него подписано 9 млн. человек, которые по достоинству оценили чувство юмора и тонкий вкус ютубера, неизменно снимающего видео на фоне леопардового ковра.

Максим одновременно ведет несколько проектов: канал о заграничных путешествиях MoranDays и развлекательный сайт CarabmaTV, играет на гитаре в любительской музыкальной группе 2ND Season. Он также успел поработать телеведущим на каналах «Ю» и «Перец». Доход Голополосова от множества успешных проектов составляет около 12 тыс. долл. США в месяц!


If you’re passionate about animals, then this would be one of the best YouTube niches for you.

There are countless channels devoted to all kinds of animals, from dogs and cats to lions and tigers.

An example of a channel in this niche is Smart Dog Lover.

Their videos are all about interesting information about dogs that people are already searching for and they have a script to voiceover and video stock footage.

And I did want to mention besides making money with Google Adsense, they are most likely making affiliate commissions with the Clickbank product and Amazon.

If you take a look at some of their videos, you you’ll see all of these are Amazon affiliate links so if people purchase this product they earn a commission.


YouTube is a great platform for all kinds of entertainment content. This can include music videos, movie trailers, TV show clips, and more.

There are also many channels that offer entertainment news, celebrity interviews, and other types of content related to the entertainment industry and if you want to learn from the best in the business then look no further than MrBeast.

MrBeast is one of the most popular YouTubers with over 125 million subscribers. He is known for his extravagant videos, in which he performs elaborate stunts and challenges and often gives away large sums of money to his participants and viewers.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: